Members of the Memorial Society of Georgia may update their contact information and/or end-of-life preferences by submitting an updated Pre-Arrangement Form (below).

There are several ways (below) you can submit your Pre-Arrangement Form, which is a fillable pdf file. In order of preference, these are:

BEST: Complete and submit electronically. This gets your form to us most quickly, easily, accurately, and legibly. There are two ways to do this:

1. Download the blank form to your computer. Then close your browser window and open the blank saved form on your computer. The form will open in Adobe and you can then fill out the form, save it, and attach a copy to an email to (Note: if you fill out the form on the webpage, instead of through Adobe on your computer, the form will save but the content will not.)

2. Fill out the form on-line then save it to your computer by using the PRINT option (rather than the download or save option, which will save only the form and not the content). In the printer dialog, change the printer destination to “Save as pdf.” Your printer dialog will then show a “Save” button instead of a “Print” button. Press Save, name the file, then attach a copy of the file to an email to

GOOD: Complete electronically then print and mail. Use this option only if you cannot save the completed file to your computer using one of the above methods. Print single sided and do not staple. Mail the form to MSOG, 2566 Shallowford Rd., Suite 104, Box 178, Atlanta, GA 30345.

OKAY: Print, complete by hand, and mail. Do this only as a last resort since the file quality will be poor once we receive it and scan it, and you will not be able to easily update your information in the future. Print single sided and do not staple. Complete neatly and legibly with dark ink (felt tip marker preferred). Mail the form to MSOG, 2566 Shallowford Rd., Suite 104, Box 178, Atlanta, GA 30345.


If you have questions or difficulties, please email